3rd Meeting with Stakeholders at the Polytechnic University of Valencia to carry out an audit of the sector's needs in the implementation of Circular Economy models


On January 17 we have completed the first round of Focus Group to carry out the needs audit, regarding the implementation of actions and models in Circular Economy, a methodology chosen by the research team of the project for the first approach to the tourism sector of the Valencian Community, which consists of generating debate and opinions around relevant issues through a moderator in a small group of people.

As part of this methodology, 3 meetings have been held, one in each province of the Valencian Community. The first meeting was held in the Province of Alicante, through the organization of the University of Alicante, the second was held in the Province of Castellón, with the collaboration of the Jaume I University, and the last in the Province of Valencia, in a joint effort between the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic of Valencia for its organization.

To maintain consistency and academic rigor in the studies, 6 people have been invited to each of the meetings, 2 who come from companies belonging to the restaurant industry, 2 from the hospitality industry and 2 companies that provide products or services for both industries, and that in all cases they have some experience in the implementation of sustainable or circular practices so that they can share their knowledge, barriers and success stories.

We sincerely thank the participants of this last meeting, who have come to talk with their peers to share experiences and expectations in the implementation of sustainable actions within their companies and have wanted to collaborate with the project to advance together towards a more sustainable future:

Monica Cruz (El Alto Group)
Carlos Portal (Grupo El Estibador)
Francisco Contreras (El Saler Parador and Golf Course)
Carlos Boga (Hotel Las Arenas)
Marta Templado (Turiart)
Francisco Ortiz (Tennant)

Actualmente el equipo investigador se encuentra trabajando en el análisis de la información recopilada a partir de la cual se extraerán importantes conclusiones para continuar con el estudio de las necesidades y comprender de mejor manera cómo se pueden implementar acciones y modelos sostenibles en negocios existentes dentro del sector como punto de partida para alcanzar los objetivos del proyecto.